Restaurant Suppliers
Food Supplier - 781 974 6201 / foodsupplier.com
Welcome to the all new FoodSupplier.com, the ultimate online link to the world's food supply. Your link to food brokers, food manufacturers, restaurant equipment, paper goods & linens, the latest in new food products, food specials as well as all the staples; beef, chicken & veal, seafood, poultry, dairy products, breads, pasta, oils, grains & beverages.
Food Service Direct - 800 425 4679 / foodservicedirect.com
The Easy way to Order Restaurant Supplies! If you are looking for restaurant supplies, you've come to the right place! Foodservicedirect.com stocks over 100,000 foodservice items of the highest quality, and we've been at it since 1988! Happy shopping! Please visit our new Office Supplies site!
AGAR - 800 669 6040 / agarsupply.com
AGAR’s team of professionals leads the industry in knowledge and experience. We carry a broad line of national brands and continuously analyze trends and conditions to identify the best purchase values. AGAR understands your business and its profitability. Many of our buying programs allow us to save money in freight, which we in turn pass along to you. In addition, our executive chef and foodservice professionals work with customers to develop innovative menu choices and center-of-the-plate solutions that add value to your bottom line.
Local Food Advisor - localfoodadvisor.com
Fantastic resource for locating the best local produce in your area. Featuring listings ranging from meat, poultry & game to bakeries, cheese, fruit & veg. They can also help you find producers, markets & restaurants.
Farm Fresh Duck - 01472 371271 / farmfreshduck.co.uk
At Farm Fresh Duck we are committed to providing you with only the finest and freshest English ducks. We are passionate about the quality of ducks we produce and promote excellence every step of the way including the unique way in which we raise our ducks. We believe that the best meat comes from animals that have higher welfare and thats why all our Farm Fresh Ducks are reared on Freedom Food approved farms to strict RSPCA welfare standards. So for quality that you can trust, discover England’s finest ducks here, with more flavour for you to savour.